Clearly, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my mother. But beyond the obvious- I know I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my mom. She's my biggest fan and always will be.
She accepts every dandelion ever picked, even though they always make her sneeze.
She helps me up when I fall down, make me smile when I feel sad. She has never ridiculed me for my mistakes, nor has she ever judged me for the decisions I've made.
I know most people can not say this- but I have never yelled at my mom and we have never fought. I know it is far fetched, but it is true. It is just the way we are.
We talk every day, more than just once. I share everything with her.
My mom encourages me to write. She always has.
She is who I bounce my story ideas off of- knowing most of them will never make it to paper. She reads all my drafts and many of them multiple times without complaining. She provides critiques, which are always helpful (and never sugar-coated.) If my stories are not making sense, she will be honest and tell me so. For that, I am grateful.
She believes in me. I believe in her.
I am me because of her.
Thank you Mom, for all you do for me!
Rebecca, This post is such a wonderful gift to your mother. Very lovely.
Thank you! She means so much to me!
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