As my journey continues to publication, I have headed off on a new adventure...into Goodreads.
I've read over and over about how great Goodreads is. Goodreads, for those who don't know, is a social networking site where authors and readers can come together and share books and reviews. The website has individuals sign up and register books they have read to create personalized library catalogs and reading lists, along with allowing members to create book clubs and discussion groups. Goodreads also features a rating system that lets readers give books a 1 to 5 star rating with the ability to leave a review.
I've been using Goodreads as a reader for the last year and have enjoyed it. It's fun to track the books I've read and see what my friends are reading. Others must agree, because Goodreads has become a popular site over the last few years, reporting 10 million members and over 20 million monthly visits. People rave about it, claiming it's a great place to meet others, read reviews, and promote books. Authors can blog, connect with readers, advertise their books, and even do giveaways.
Although Goodreads has grown substantially over the last few years and has had many positive reviews, it has also come under great criticism. Many users are stating that some reviewers are ganging up to encourage attacks and harass authors on the site. (Okay- so I have read all kinds of articles for and against this. The debate is huge right now...and not only in Goodreads but everywhere reviews are left. And it isn't only the bad reviews that are under scrutiny but also the good reviews. I'm not even going to go into it. Just Google and you'll find all kinds of crazy debates.) Due to the criticism, Goodreads recently posted their terms of agreement, addressing the issue and reassuring their users.
All that said and done, I think Goodreads has the potential to provide exposure for author's books. So, I spent some time this week uploading my debut novel's information on Goodreads. It was by far easier than I thought it would be. I uploaded my cover art, added the blurb, and clicked "this is me" when the prompt asked. Within an hour, Goodreads verified my info, and I was good-to-go.
I'm now a Goodreads author!
I'm excited! Just one more step closer to publication. Please join me in my excitement! Head on over to Goodreads and check out my book! (Now, I'm off to figure out the other stuff!)
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awesome! thanks!
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