Friday, February 26, 2016

Questions to Start the Convo about Healthy Relationships

It's important to have a conversation with teens about healthy and unhealthy relationships, but it can be hard to get the conversation started. And it's important to talk to both your boys and girls about abuse. We all understand the importance of talking with our daughters about being safe in relationships, but we pass over talking with our sons. So grab a chair, scoot on up, and let's chat...

Start the conversation by asking How are things going? Keep things general and open ended. Don't judge or try to fix things, just listen.

Next ask What are you friends dating relationships like? It's always good to start by asking about someone else. It is easier to talk about someone else's issues than your own sometimes.

Now it is time to start digging in. Start asking questions like: Have you seen any kind of abuse between two people going out? Why do you think one person would abuse the other? Why might a person want to stay in a an abusive relationship?

After some talk about abusive relationships, start talking about what makes a healthy relationship.

And finally talk about how to get help for a friend or yourself.

Let's say NO MORE to dating violence. And the first step is starting the conversation!

So, tell me, have you started the conversation on dating abuse and healthy relationships with your teens or pre-teens? How did you start the conversation? How did it go?


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