Ten Questions:
1. What inspired you to start blogging? I started blogging to get ready for the release of my debut novel, Break From You, and fell in love with it. I love the community of bloggers and writers. I enjoy interacting and commenting. It has been great getting to know everyone! :)
2. How did you come up with the name of your blog? Well, the name of my blog is my name...so no creativity there.
3. What is your favorite blog to read? Oh my...there are too many great blogs that I love to read to name just one or two...
4. Tell us about your dream job: I've had a few dream jobs. Being a teacher was definitely a dream job. I loved every moment of it! And I was a raft guide for a few summers after college. I couldn't have asked for anything more than spending the day on a river in the sun. Now, I love to write and raise awareness, so I am loving what I do and would consider it a dream job.
5. Is your glass half-full or half-empty? Depends on what is in it! I am a very positive person, and I always look at the bright side of things (most of the time!)
6. If you could go anywhere for a week's vacation, where would you go? I would stay right here! I don't really like to travel.
7. What food can you positively not eat? Wheat. I have Celiac Disease.
8. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Neither. I am allergic. :(
9. How much time do you spend blogging? Depends on the day!
10. Do you watch TV and if so, what are your favorite shows? I love Criminal Minds and Flash Point. I have also been catching up on reruns of House. And my guilty pleasure is Dancing with the Stars or Bachelor/Bachelorette.
Thank you again, Mary Hill for the wonderful nomination!
I am supposed to nominate other bloggers. I will send my nominations via Twitter!!! :)
Wow, wheat really cuts out a lot of food.
My blog name is my name as well. Easy to remember, right?
Congrats on the award, Rebecca! A raft guide, huh? That sounds pretty exciting and cool to me. :)
No chocolate? I'm not a big fan, but I really like white chocolate.
Criminal Minds I like too.
Congrats on the award! I'm not much of a traveler either. Rather, I like to see new places, but it's the getting there that I'm not crazy about. LOL
Congrats on the award Rebecca! I love House too. I was so disappointed when they stopped the show. One of my faves.
Congrats on the award!
You definitely strike me as a 'half full' type of person :)
Congrats on the award. Too bad you're allergic to chocolate but good you stay away from it. Loved learning more about you.
So, that raft job? Were you whitewater rafting on the Colorado?
Congrats on the award:)
I agree with Mark, it wasn't a surprise to read that you are a "half-full" person. :) Congrats on the award, I enjoyed learning more about you!
Oh honey. Allergic to chocolate? My heart goes out to you...
I'm gluten free too! Makes me ILL... loved reading more about you, Rebecca. This was waaay fun. :D
If I lived in Colorado, I'd probsbly never feel a need to leave either.
Your blogging start sounds a lot like our blogging start. I'm just amazed the amount of cool people I've met and become friends with because of blogging.
Hi, Rebecca,
CONGRATS on the award!
I WOULD DIE if I was allergic to chocolate. It's one of my few happinesses... LOL.
So great to learn more about you....
I love your new banner! And what you've done with your space on Google +. You are so talented!
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