On my bookshelf (current reads)- Lord of the Flies by William Golding (I haven't had much reading time this summer...but I've been trying to re-read a few classics. Up next is Catcher in the Rye.)
In the DVD player- Lord of the Flies directed by Peter Brook (I love reading a book and then watching the movie version to see how the writers and directors depicted the book. It's been a while since I've seen the movie. Maybe I'll give a review after I finish both...)

On my MP3- The Script, some Train, Gavin DeGraw, and a little Brad Paisley and Luke Bryan
On my ringtone- Firework by Katy Perry (Always need a little inspiration!)
On my computer- My manuscript for Break From You (almost done with edits) and samples of the cover art for Break From You (I'm oh so close...) I am preparing for the upcoming release (to be announced soon) for my debut novel on teen dating abuse. Also on my computer are drafts for upcoming blog posts on dating abuse "in the news" and statistics that I will be posting before the release of my novel.
On my calendar- Play time! (Just rolled off summer season swim team where I was involved 100% as president. I felt like I had little time for anything else. I am excited to really focus on myself, my family, and my writing! I have some fun outings planned in the near future- camping, rafting, canoeing, swim parks...all kinds of fun stuff during some vacation time in the next month.)
What's going on with you???
Lots and lots of writing. Edits on By Winged Chair and I just volunteered to take over the blog over at Freedom Service Dogs.
I am soooo excited for you! Congrats on the Freedom Service Dogs blog. I look forward to reading your posts! Good luck on edits- can't wait to read the final By Winged Chair.
You are a busy woman! During baseball season, things were the same for me. Little else happened.
I am getting ready to release my first YA novel next month. I am doing a few more comb throughs and making changes based on editor feedback. I also have another ms that needs to be revamped then finished.
Have a great weekend!
Bachelorette, Emily, should have chosen Shaun (the next Bachelor without a doubt). Needs to pick Arie but she is greedy and will pick Jef - who can trust a Jef with one f anyway? :) Won't catch me on that show with PDA, even if you nominate me. - Patrick K. Dawson
I know! It is crazy during swim season!!! Can't seem to do much else!
Good luck on all your edits and revamping! I am looking forward to your new YA novel- can't wait to read it!
LOL! I always wonder where they find those guys...
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