Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Years and All the Resolutions

Did you know that approximately 45% of people make New Years resolutions?

Top resolutions people make
* Eat better/lose weight
* Quit drinking/smoking
* Better job/better education
* Save money/get out of debt
* Help others/volunteer
* Improve self
* Get along better with others/make new friends
* Go on a trip
* Spend more time with family
* Learn something new/experience new culture
* Get organized

Did you know that only 8% of those people are actually successful in achieving them?

Some of the top reasons people break New Years resolutions:
 *Setting too high of goals
 *Didn't make plans
 *Don't have a support system
 *Not accountable to anyone
 *Wasn't important enough in the first place

Although most people break their New Years resolutions, research shows that making them is very useful and very important.

 Tips to be successful in keeping New Years resolutions.
 *Set reachable goals
 *Get a support system and have someone to be accountable to
 *Make sure goals are important
 *Set specific (not broad) goals (ie- 1 pound per week instead of just "lose weight")
 *Make plans

Some great goals for writers:
 *Make time to write (will write 1 hour per day...or will write 1,000 words a day...etc.)
 *Find your voice (will write without inner editor)
 *Edit more (will edit one chapter a day...will edit 500 words a day..etc.)
 *Explore and expand (will write something each day outside of comfort zone...)
 *Call self a writer! (will tell one person a week...)

Some great goals for self-publishing
 *Think of the "Who"/the reader (will define who the readers are and what they want...will learn one marketing skill to market towards readers each day/week/month...etc.)
 *Market well on Amazon (will learn one new marketing strategy per week...etc.)
 *Learn great cover art and editing (will learn one skill per week with editing and marketing...etc.)
 *Make writer friends (will follow one new person per day/week and comment...etc.)
 *Market local as well as on-line (will talk to local library/bookstore/etc...)
 *Write more (will write 1,000 words per day...etc.)

Remember to make goals specific and well-defined to be successful. Find a support system and someone to be accountable to.

What are you goals for 2013? Are you ready to reach your goals?


Andrew Leon said...

I don't make resolutions. If I'm going to do something, I'll do it without the resolution. If I'm not inclined to do something, the resolution isn't going to help.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

So true! Goals throughout the year is best...especially since on 8% succeed in resolutions. Best wishes this new year.

Dana said...

Those are really good goals for writers! My life as a stay at home mom is so unpredictable that I have a hard time setting specific writing goals. Still, telling myself that I'll write more poems or work on my father's memoirs every week has (luckily!) been working for me so far. :)

Happy New Year!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

I'm with you! :) Unpredictable doesn't even explain half of it :) Personal goals are hard when kids come first. Glad to hear you are succeeding in getting some writing in. It's what keeps me sane.

Anonymous said...

I especially like your self-publishing goals. My goal is to release my book on Amazon by May, hopefully sooner. In the meantime, I need to keep doing my research and try to reach out to readers. I also want to work on marketing ideas.

Unknown said...

That's a great goal Jenna best of luck. Thanks for the encouraging and motivating posts Rebecca!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Good luck on the 2013 goals! Thanks for commenting and following- it's great to meet you. I look forward to chatting more and to learning more about your book.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Thank you! :)

David P. King said...

I've made no real goals yet, so my resolution is to make some. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I set goals and I make them realistic.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Jonathan!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Funny! :) Good luck.

Summer Frey said...

These are excellent points. In nursing school, they teach us to make patient goals "specific, time-oriented, and measurable." I think that translates well into all personal goals/resolutions.

Mine are more personal this year, and pretty short (graduate with a 4.0, get a nursing job) but I also want to finish (including revision) my WIP. No specific time frame on that one, just before the end of the year.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

I worked as a teacher in special ed and we also had to make specific measurable goals. I think the measurable part is important. Your right, I think it translates well into personal goals.

Wonderful goals! Good luck- I bet it will be a great year...even if it started a little shaky... :)

Shel Delisle said...

Good luck on your resolutions, Rebecca. Hope 2013 is a banner year for you!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Thanks- you too!

Cherie Reich said...

What a great reminder about resolutions/goals. They work best if you plan and break them into more manageable little goals.

Lana Williams said...

Wonderful post, Rebecca! I write a minimum of 5 days per week and whenever I falter, I get out my timer and set it for 15 minutes. You can do anything for 15 minutes, right? :) Thanks for sharing!

PK HREZO said...

Hi Rebecca! Those are all excellent suggestions! Every year my goals are the same, but I've found if I make them more specific, I am more likely to achieve them. Instead of lose weight, lose 5 pounds, for example.

Hoping you achieve all you want in 2013!